
Build the Product Your Users Want

Turn your customer support conversations into actionable insights

Your team is already answering the questions - put that work to good use!

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Struggling to find time for reporting?

UserChamp helps streamline your weekly tagging of support tickets, analyzing what changed since last week, and putting together and sharing reports.

Tired of manually exporting?

Spending hours getting your data out of your helpdesk, through Excel spreadsheets, and into a format you can share with your team?
UserChamp takes care of the grunt work (it’s software, it doesn’t mind) and lets you focus on what you do best - spotting the important take-aways for your team.

Use Zendesk or HelpScout?

Perfect! UserChamp plugs into your helpdesk and aggregates your weekly data for you. All you need to do is check the tagging and maybe tag those few tickets that someone missed.

Not Tagging Your Support Tickets?

We can help with that. See our tips to get started tagging efficiently.

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Be Customer Centric

Your customers are already telling you their wants, needs, and frustrations through various channels. UserChamp helps you prioritize feature requests, as well as discover content gaps and user interface opportunities.

Save Time

You are focused on making your users happy. UserChamp allows you to save time by turning your interactions into data you can act on today. Use our actionable reports to drill down and focus on what matters most to your customers.

Keep Moving

We know how time consuming it can be to adopt a new tool. UserChamp adapts to your business and integrates seamlessly with your different communication channels so you can remain focused on the outcome.

Want to join the beta program?

We are beta testing early versions of UserChamp with a few teams at the moment. If you’re interested in being an early tester or just want to be updated as we get closer to a full launch leave your email address and we will keep you updated.

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